Schedule: The resource scheduling capabilities of jxProject
are both flexible and powerful and thus they are somewhat more
complex than other project management tools. You would be well
served to literally memorize the architecture and principles which
are explained in this section. All of the scheduling of
calendars and resources is done using “rules”. The
rules are mildly complex however when you combine the importance of
the order of the rules along with the interaction between resources
and parent calendars, it can get very confusing. Be sure to
ground yourself with a solid understanding of the principles
governing the interaction of Calendars, Resources, Rules and
Calendar/Resource Schedule Interface
The labels used in describing the basic components of the
jxProject interface in Figure 1 will be used consistently throughout
this document.
Elements of the Schedule Chart: The tree table and the
Schedule Chart are closely related and only serve as alternative
visual representations of the exact same data. Each row in the
Table represents the data in the same row in the Chart to the right.
Each day is represented as a full 24 hour period starting at
midnight. Time which is scheduled as work or non-work time is
shown for each day and is coded as follows.
Work Time: This is represented as solid green with no
Non-Work Time: This is divided into paid and non-paid.
Both of these time types have black outlines but the fill color for
paid is green while the fill color for non-paid is gray.
Chart Background: Areas of the chart which are colored
gray are the days which contain no scheduled work time as defined by
the “Base Schedule”. The Base Schedule is
explained below.
Chart Header: The header defines the dates of the
period of the schedule you are viewing. The upper scale is denoted
in weeks and the lower scale is in days. You can stretch and
shrink the time scale by pressing the (keyboard shift key and the
right mouse key on the chart header) simultaneously and dragging it
to the right to stretch the scale and the left to shrink the scale.
ChartPan Scrolling/Auto scrolling: Pan
scrolling the chart is activated by single clicking on the table
with the middle mouse button. The pan scroll will work for any
component inside a scroll pane and gives the user the ability to fly
over the component.
Elements of the Tree Table: A tree table is what you get
when you cross a traditional GUI table with a traditional GUI tree.
It’s a table with expandable collapsible nodes. The
furthest left column of the tree table is the “key” field
and it can never be scrolled out of view. Every other column in
the table can be scrolled and the order of the columns can be changed
by dragging the columns into different positions using the column
headers. The Tree Table contains nodes of two different types which
are Calendars and Resources. The descriptions of the fields in the
table are often similar between the two but not exact. Now a few
Key: Each Node is assigned a unique key when it is
created. However, you can renumber them by “right
clicking” on the header which will bring up a single option
popup-up menu to renumber the nodes.
Show: This is purely a diagnostic tool to assist you
in identifying which rules are driving which parts of the schedule.
It is the only field in this table that is editable. If this
is unchecked, all of the rules defined in that node are no longer
displayed on the chart. Also, any nodes underneath the node,
which inherit their scheduling from the node, are not displayed.
If you load up this example and uncheck the Zulu node, you will see
a lot of the schedule disappear. That is because most of the
nodes are inheriting their schedule from the Zulu Calendar.
Whether these flags are on or off has no effect on the schedule used
in solving the project plan.
Name: Calendars have a single name while Resources are
listed as last, first, initial. If you type a name into a blank
field a resource will automatically be created.
Rules (count): This is the number of schedule rules
which are associated with this node.
Time Zone: This is a description of the time zone
which governs this node which includes its offset from Greenwich
Mean Time as well as general description of the areas of the globe
which use that time zone.
Tree Table row header: You can increase and
decrease the table row height by pressing the (keyboard shift key
and the right mouse key on the row table header) simultaneously and
dragging it towards the bottom to increase the row height and
towards the top to decrease the row height.
Table Pan Scrolling/Auto scrolling: Pan scrolling the
tree table is activated by single clicking on the table with the
middle mouse button. The pan scroll will work for any component
inside a scroll pane and gives the user the ability to fly over the
Key Components of the Schedule: Every schedule for
every project must contain the Zulu (GMT 00:00) Calendar as the root
node and a Default resource. Each project must also contain a
node (Resource or Calendar) which is designated as the Base Schedule.
Calendar: A Calendar can have its own time zone and
can have an unlimited number of Calendars and Resources underneath
it. However, only Calendars which are directly underneath the
root Calendar or Zulu Calendar can have their own time zones.
A Calendar that is more than 1 level deep must inherit the time zone
from its parent Calendar. In our example above, the “Part
Time” Calendar gets its time zone from the Silicon Valley
Resource: A Resource always inherits its time zone
from its parent Calendar. A Resource cannot have any nodes
underneath it.
Zulu Calendar: This is always the root Calendar and it
has a fixed time zone of GMT+00:00. You can add or remove
Rules from the Zulu Calendar and all nodes underneath Zulu will
inherit those Rules.
Base Schedule: There must be one and only one node
designated as the Base Schedule, and it can be any Calendar or
Resource which resides in the table. The Base Schedule
determines the point of view from which the entire project plan is
viewed. All dates in the schedule and Gantt interfaces are
presented in the time zone of the Base Schedule. Also, the
days which are determined to be “non-work days” are
determined by the Base Schedule and appear as gray days in the chart
backgrounds. In our example above the Base Schedule is the
Calendar named “Silicon Valley”. You can set the
Base Schedule by right clicking on the name of the node, you will
get a pop-up menu with one option which is “Set as Base
Schedule”, click that option and you’ll see the red
arrow move to your selected node.
Default Resource: There must be one and only one
Resource designated as the Default Resource. It is designated
by an icon of a “juggler” and it has a single rule to
work Monday through Friday 8 hours per day (40 hours per week).
You cannot edit the Default Resource although you can drag and drop
the Default Resource to change the parent Calendar in which the
Default Resource is scheduled to work. Any tasks which have no
resources assigned to them automatically utilize the Default
Resource schedule to satisfy the Resource constraint requirements.
AssigningResource: The assigning resource is
automatically assigned to any newly created task. The assigning
resource can be any resource in the project, including the default
resource. When a new project is created, a resource named “Myself”
is automatically created and is designated as the assigning
Rule: All Calendars and Resources can have an
unlimited number of scheduling rules except, for the Default
Resource. Rules define a start and end time in days and
contain filters for days of the week. Rules can contain zero
or more Time Segments.
Time Segment: Segments range from zero to 24 hours in
total duration and one Time Type per Segment.
Time Type. There are three types: Work
Time(green), Non-Work Time (paid)(black outline; green fill) and
Non-Work Time (unpaid)(black outline; gray fill).
Have you memorized all of this yet? ;-) I’m only
giving you definitions at this point, next I will go over the pieces
of the interface and then I will give you a little story of how I
expect you to use this interface. I’ll even tell you some
of the “gottchas” to be careful of. You need to
know all of this by heart to master jxProject. There really
isn’t anything you can afford to not understand if you want to
build an accurate project plan using this tool.
Title Bar:
title bar contains the jxProject logo/icon followed by the file name
which is currently open. Only one file can be open at a time.
Menu Bar: The
menu bar consists of drop down menus which provide access to most of
the functionality in jxProject. Each of the menus is shown and
outlined below.
New: Create a
new file.
Open an existing file (*.jxp)
Close: Close the
file that is currently open.
Save: Save the
currently open file
Save As…:
Save the currently open file with a new name.
Import XML:
Import a jxProject file which is in XML format.
Export XML:
Export the jxProject file in XML format.
Print Preview…:
This takes you to the print preview screen and you can configure
the printer or print from there.
This takes you to the image preview screen. From here you can
view and alter the size of the images produced when you save the
html file. The output is a simple html file utilizing the images
of the table and chart.
Exit: Exit
the application
Cut will copy the selected cells to the clipboard and set the
values to their minimum or default values. Copy will copy the
cell values to the system clipboard. Paste will paste values from
the system clipboard to the selected cells.
Selection using
Dialog...: This will bring up the Schedule edit dialog for
the row that is selected in the TreeTable. You must have
one and only one row selected. You can also double click on
the “Key” of the node you want to edit a node with
this dialog.
Fill Up: For
multiple row selections, the top cell value in a column will be
copied down to all selected cells directly below.
Fill Down: For
multiple row selections, the bottom cell value in a column will
be copied up to all selected cells directly above.
Delete Node(s):
All fully selected rows/tasks will be deleted.
Intent Selection:
Remove the selected nodes from their current parent and insert
them as children of the parent of the node that is just above the
top most selected row.
Outdent Selection:
Remove the selected nodes from their current parent and insert
them as children of their current grandparent node.
Undo: Undo the
last edit.
Redo: Redo the
last edit.
This will switch you into Gantt Chart Mode
This will switch you into Scheduling Mode.
New Calendar(s):
This will insert a number of new Calendars just above the
selected row(s). The number of Calendars inserted will be
the same as the number of rows selected.
New Resource(s):
This will insert a number of new Resources just above the
selected row(s). The number of Resources inserted will be
the same as the number of rows selected.
Tools Menu: See
The document for documentation on the tools Menu and the Global
Options Dialog.
Documentation: A
dialog directing you to go to
will be shown.
…: This will open the Log Dialog which will allow you to
view log files and their contents. You can also set the level of
logging that is done. Caution: Logging lots of data to the log
file will slow down the speed of the application, use the default
logging levels for the best performance and logging.
>: There are three sample projects that the user can select
and load in order to get familiar with jxProject's capabilities.
These files can be edited and saved by the user, however, the
sample projects stored with the application are not altered.
This will display the splash screen showing the product name and
version number.
Tool Bar: The tool bar acts provides quick access
to functionality which is accessible through the menu bar.
Working left to right the functionality is as follows:
New File; see
Menu Bar > File >New
Open File; see
Menu Bar > File > Open
Save File; see
Menu Bar > File > Save
Print; see Menu
Bar > File > Print
Display the Options
Dialog; This will open the options dialog (See Gantt
Start: The start
time for the schedule chart.
Years: The
number of years shown in the schedule chart
LowerToolBar: The Schedule is mostly
independent of the project plan. You can view the schedules
of your Calendars and Resource for hundreds of years into the past
or future if you like. The default start date will be near
your project start date but you can change this to anything time
you wish to see.
Outdent: see
Menu Bar > Edit > Un-Indent Selection
Indent: see Menu
Bar > Edit > Indent Selection
Undo; see Menu
Bar > Edit >Undo (Note: Graphic needs updating)
Redo; see Menu
Bar > Edit >Redo (Note: Graphic needs updating)
Zone Aware: If
this is checked, then Chart areas will shift to their respective
time zone offset relative to the Base Schedule. Load the
example file above and click this button on and off to see what I
mean. This is just used to help you with visualization of
how teams in different time zones overlap or don’t overlap
their work time schedules.
Utilization: This screen shot shows the schedule view with
tasks and summary tasks being displayed with the time segments
rendered on top of the tasks. The height of the rows has been
increased so that the task keys and descriptions are readable.
Tasks where the resource is less than 100% dedicated have a solid
triangle painted in the upper left corner of the task. Summary
tasks have a black outline and tasks have a blue outline.
Basically this is a custom Gantt chart for each person on the
project. Tasks which are associated with the default resource are
not displayed or resource leveled. If resource leveling is
enabled, it is impossible to over allocate resources.
Tree Table Interaction:
Key: By
double-clicking the key cell you can bring up the Schedule Dialog
to edit the Calendar or Resource.
Show: This is
the only field that is directly editable from the table. It
is used to help visualize which nodes are driving the schedule by
allowing you to turn them on and off.
row header: The row header
is the left most part of the tree table which contains the “Key”
field. You change the table row height by pressing the
keyboard shift key and the right mouse key on the row header
simultaneously and dragging toward the bottom to expand the row
height and toward the top to compress the row height.
Table Context/PopupMenu: If you “right click” on a
Schedule Tree Table you will see the above popup menu. Most of the
selections are the same as the Edit or Insert menus. However it
also has options to expand or collapse the node. If you select the
associated “+” button, the operation will act on all
child/decedent nodes. For example, selecting the “+”
on the Expand Node item will expand the node and all nodes that
are children of that node, and any nodes that are children of
those nodes and so on.
Node... option will bring up the edit dialog.
As Base Schedule: Will set the associated node as the base
schedule for the entire project.
Set As Assigning
Resource: Will set the resource as the resource to be assinged
to any newly created tasks. The assgining resource has a green
Dragging and Dropping:
Using drag and drop it is possible to move or copy Calendars and
Resources to/from the TreeTable to/from the chart..
TreeTable: To
initiate a drag, select one or more rows using the row header to
select the entire row. Then press and drag the left mouse button
on one of the selected rows from the row header. If the drag
gesture is recognized, your cursor will change to reflect the
type of drag operation that has been initiated. The default drag
is a move, if you hold down the control key while initiating the
drag, the operation will be a copy. A copy cursor has a “+”
sign on it. When Resources are copied, the tasks which were
assigned to the original resources are not assigned to the copied
resource(s). Be aware the time zones of copied calendars or
resources can change based on their level within the hierarchy.
Chart: To change
resource assignments, select the task, the press down with the
left mouse button on the body of the task and drag the task and
drop it on a different resource row in the chart to move the
task. Hold the cntrl key down during the drag/drop operation to
copy the task to another resource.
Schedule Chart Interaction:
Schedule chart header: The header defines the dates
over which the chart starts and ends. The upper scale is
denoted in weeks and the lower scale is in days. You can
compress and expand the time scale by pressing the keyboard shift key
and the right mouse key on the chart header simultaneously and
dragging it to the right to expand the scale and the left to compress
the scale. As you expand/compress the time line it will automatically
change formats to suit the level of scaling. There are at least 20
preset formats for the header and they can be fully customized by the
user by the time line format dialog. Right click on the header and
select “TimeLine Format...”, and a dialog for customizing
the format will be displayed. See the chapter on Date Formating and
TimeLines for more details. Note: The row height can be adjusted in a
similar manor, see “Table Row Header” for specifics.
Chart Interaction: The user can alter the duration and
resource assignments of the tasks from the chart. To alter the
duration select the task, then press down with the left mouse button
on the right end of the task and drag left or right to alter the
duration of the task. Drag and Drop of the tasks on the chart is also
supported, see above.
Task Edit Dialog: To
initiate this dialog, double-click on a task in the chart. See the
Gantt Chart documentation for images and specifics on the operation
of this dialog.
Schedule Edit Dialog: To initiate this dialog double
click on the “Key” field of the Calendar or
Resource you want to edit. Or double-click on a blank space on a row
in the chart. This dialog is the only way to edit most of the data
associated with a Calendar or a Resource. This dialog has three
tabs which are: “Resource”, “Calendar” and
“Rules”. When this dialog is open, some of the
buttons and other capabilities of the Schedule are disabled.
I’ll leave it as an exercise for the user to discover what you
can and cannot do. But you can double-click on another row in
the table and load it into the dialog. You don’t have to
close the dialog to change Nodes. If you have edits pending in
the dialog, and you try to change selected nodes, you’ll get a
warning to save or cancel your current changes.
1: Schedule Edit Dialog (Resource Tab):
First: The
resource’s first name
Middle: The
resource’s Middle name or initial
Last: The
resource’s Last name
Title: The
resource’s Title
Initials: The
first character of each component of the full name in first,
middle, last name order. This will be generated
automatically if you don’t type it in yourself. If
you type something in, that will override the automatic
generation of the initials. If you clear the initials
field, it will automatically regenerate.
Entire Project:
If this is selected then the always available according to the
rules defined or inherited by this Resource.
From/To: If this
is selected, then the availability is restricted to the From and
To dates as well as the rules defined or inherited by this
2: Schedule Edit Dialog ( Calendar Tab):
Name: The name
of the Calendar.
TimeZone: The
time zone which this calendar and all Calendars and Resources
below this Calendar will use. NOTE: Calendars that are more
than one level below the Zulu Calendar cannot have their own time
zones. In that case the time zone selection will be
3: Schedule Edit Dialog (Rules Tab)
Rules Table: This
contains all of the rules defined for this Calendar or Resource.
The order is always sequential and rules can overlap each other.
The rule furthest to the bottom of the list takes priority in an
overlap situation. The active field says whether the rule is
active or not; inactive rules to not participate in any
scheduling. The String field does nothing, I had an idea for it at
one time but this will probably go away or be replaced with
something else. The rules can be reordered by drag and drop.
New: Create a
completely new rule in the table.
Copy: Copy the
selected rule to a new instance.
Delete: Delete
the selected rule.
Schedule Segments
Table: This table contains all of the Time Segments that are
defined for the rule which is selected in the Rules table. One
rule can have multiple Segments. The Work Type is really the time
type of Segment. The From, Duration and To times define the
period of the day which is defined as this type of time.
Rule Builder:
This part of the dialog applies once again to the rule which is
selected in the Rules Table at the top of the dialog.
Name: The name
of the rule; simple.
Active: Active
rules are part of the schedule; inactive rules are not.
Days: Think of
the days as a more filter for the rule where you can select
specific days of the week where the Time Segments will apply.
Dates: OK, now
things get a little complicated. :-o You are going to need
to experiment with this in order to really understand how it
Starting: This
enables the starting date field so you can define a date
(inclusive) at which this rule becomes enforced.
Always: This
disables the starting date field as this means that this rule is
always in effect going back in time to infinity.
Repeats: This is
so you can make a week based cycle schedule. Do you want
this rule to be in effect every week (1), every other week (2),
every third week (3)… You must specify a starting
date for this feature to be enabled.
For: This is so
you can specify how may cycles you want this rule to be in
effect. If you specified every week(1) for 3 occurrences
that would make the rule effective for 3 weeks from the start
date. If you specified every other week (2) for 3
occurrences that would make the rule effective for 6 weeks.
Simple huh?
Ending: This
enables the ending date field so you can specify the last
effective date (inclusive) of this rule.
Forever: This
disables the ending date field as this means that this rule will
always be in effect through to infinity.
Note: There are
various combinations of these check boxes that will enable and/or
disable other check boxes because not all options are applicable
in all situations. It is an ugly looking double nested
if-then-else block which would be painful to describe. My
recommendation, push buttons … you’ll see how it
Make sure you have the “days” selected that you want
to rule to apply on. It’s very easy to make a mistake
by focusing on the start and end dates and cycles and forget to
filter for the correct days of the week.
Edit Dialog Buttons:
OK: Save changes
and exit the dialog.
Apply: Apply
changes but leave the dialog open.
Reset: Cancel
all changes back to the last saved.
Cancel: Cancel
all changes and exit the dialog.
If you’ve read
through all of this excruciating detail up until now, I wouldn’t
be surprised to find you passed out on the floor blowing bubbles.
I’ve written the above material in a reference fashion so you
can refer to it in the future without having to wade through dialog
that you don’t need. Now we are going to get into how all
of these little pieces fit together to form a schedule.
Calendars and Resources exist in parent/child relationships.
Calendars can have Calendars and/or Resources as children but
Resources cannot have any children.
The schedule of Calendars and Resources is determined by the
Rules which they contain and the Rules which their parent Calendars
contain. Rules can and often do overlap each other. The
Rule that is farthest down in the hierarchy and list order has the
highest priority in an overlap situation!!!
Rules contain zero or more Segments. (A Rule should
always have at least one Segment; zero is a mistake really).
In order for a rule to be enforced for a particular date, it must be
active, the date must be between (inclusive) the start and end dates
of the rule, the “day of the week” for the date must be
selected for the rule, and the rule must not be overridden by
another rule which is lower in the hierarchy/list and satisfies the
active, start, end, day-of-week requirements.
Segments define a time type and a period of time within a 24
hour period. Segments cannot overlap and always appear in
early to late order. If you define the Segments in an
unordered or overlapping fashion, jxProject will immediately sort
the segments and remove any overlap. It’s kind of
unfriendly that way but it removes ambiguity.
Recommendations on how to organize your Rules to build
You want to put your most basic scheduling rules inside
Calendars and as high up in the hierarchy as possible. For
example, if you regular work week is Monday – Friday 8 to 5;
put that rule up in the Zulu Calendar so everything can inherit that
You should group people that have similar schedules together
under Calendars. In our example project, the “Silicon
Valley” team and the “Koblenz, Germany” team
belong to separate Calendars. This is needed in order to give
those people separate time zones but also to accommodate different
Holiday schedules. Also, notice the “Silicon Valley”
Calendar has a Calendar underneath it “Part Time” which
schedules Monday and Wednesdays as non-work days to override the 40
work Rule. The result is that the Resources under the “Part
Time” Calendar are only scheduled to work 24 hours a week;
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Put your Holidays, such as Christmas, just below your 40 hour
work rule inside a Calendar. The “Silicon Valley”
calendar has several Rules defined for North American Holidays.
Resources will usually only contain Rules which schedule
non-work time to override the regular 40 hour work rule. These
would typically be to schedule vacations or account for personal
days off.
Be descriptive with the names of your Rules to assist in
troubleshooting should the need arise. If you are scheduling a
week of time off to go bike riding in August, call it the “5
days August biking” Rule.
Test your Knowledge:
How many Rules would be required to establish a schedule
where a group of three people worked Tuesday and Thursday from 9am
to 5pm and Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6am to 3pm?
Answer: 2 Rules.
How many Rules would be required to schedule a person as on
Vacation for one day? Answer: 1 Rule
How many Rules would be required to schedule a person as on
Vacation for Thursday, Friday and Tuesday where Saturday, Sunday and
Monday were already scheduled off by the parent Calendar?
Answer: 1 Rule – Define the Rule for the period of Thursday
through Tuesday and only select the days Thursday, Friday and
Tuesday as the days-of-week for enforcement.
Can you define a Rule with no Segments? Answer: Yes,
but it would have no effect on the Schedule.
Can you define an active Rule that has valid defined Segments
but has no effect on the Schedule? Answer: Yes – If you
do not select any of the days-of-the-week it would be the same as no
Rule at all.
Could you define a single rule that Schedules a person for
time-off every fourth week on Friday and Monday for the next six
months? Answer: Yes
Can a single Rule that has 3 Time Segments enforce only 1 of
the Segments on a particular day? Answer: No – When a
Rule is enforced all of its Segments are used on that day that it is
Techniques for Trouble Shooting Schedules:
After implementing your
schedules you should always confirm your schedule is correct by
closely reviewing the schedule chart for each of your Resources over
the period you expect your project to run. If you find the
schedule does not reflect what you think it should, you are going to
need to do some investigation. Because rules are inherited and
do override each other things can get confusing. There are
diagnostic tools built in to help you isolate the problem.
Let’s say you find
a day for one of your Resources that are scheduled as paid-time-off
but should not be. How do you find where this is coming from?
First you need to find the Rule responsible for this “day
off”. It has to be coming from the Resource its self, or
one of the Resource’s parent Calendars. Toggle off the
“show” checkbox in the Tree Table for the Resource and
parent Calendars until this particular day off disappears. That
will tell which Node owns the Rule that is scheduling the day off.
Now toggle the show button to “on” and open up the
Schedule Edit Dialog for that Node to review the rules. You
could work in a brute force fashion and select each rule, make it
“inactive” and press the “apply” button.
This will turn off the rule and update the schedule. When you
see the day off disappear, then you’ve found the rule that’s
causing that day off. You’ll need to take it from here to
resolve the problem.