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jxProject – Quick Start


June 19, 2012


This document is intended to get you up to speed quickly with jxProject's basic capabilities by editing/modifying an existing project plan. It is a step by step tutorial which touches quickly on editing techniques. This does not cover everything, just the basics.

  1. First load example project plan “A_sampleProject” by choosing the Help pull down from the menu bar button in the Gantt view (Help -> Sample Projects ->A_sampleProject. This is a project plan that includes Klien, Baer, Clark, Archer, Johnson and Reynolds as resources. Note: There are three example project plans that can be accessed for experimentation and learning.

  2. From the Gantt View, select a task(blue rectangle) in the Gantt chart by clicking on it, the outline will turn red.

  3. Now grab(click and hold) the right edge of the selected task and drag the task left or right to increase and decrease its duration and release. (Note: you cannot drag summary tasks)

  4. Now right click on the char row of the selected task and select “Flash Schedule” from the context menu. You will observe green boxes which are the work time schedules of the resources assigned to the task.

  5. To create a link/dependency, on the Gantt chart click/hold and drag from one row to another. A link will be created between those two tasks, unless there is a constraint violation in which case an error will result. The type of link created is determined by the setting of the “Link Creation Type” button which is user selectable (FS, SS, FF ... ). Select a link/dependency by clicking on it, it will turn red.

  6. Now grab(click and hold) the tip of the arrow head of the link and drag the link left and right and release. This alters the “lag” associated with the dependency.

  7. Now double click on any link in the project plan Gantt chart. A task edit dialog will pop up, the dependencies tab will be shown, and the dependency selected will be highlighted in the table. Hit the “Delete” button to delete the dependency and click “OK” to dismiss the dialog. The link is now gone. Press undo to restore the link.

  8. Now lets insert an Arbitrary constraint. In the Gantt Chart, hold down the “shift” key and click anywhere in the chart. An arbitrary “start after” constraint will be added. Select the constraint by clicking it, it will have a red outline, now click/hold on the selected constraint and drag it left or right and release. You can also set arbitrary constraints by right clicking on the chart to get the context menu and selecting an arbitrary constraint type.

  9. Push the “Op” button and the optimizer will scan the project plan and tighten up the schedule to take advantage of idle time by resources.

  10. Push the undo and redo buttons to see how that works and to undo your changes one by one.

  11. Change the scaling of the timeline by holding down the “shift” key and right click/hold on the Gantt Chart Timeline Header and dragging left and right. Observe that the date format of the timeline changes automatically as the scale changes. Note: The Timeline Header is located directly above the Gantt Chart.

  12. Change the row height of the Table and Chart similarly to the timeline by holding down the “shift” key and right click/hold on the Table Row Header and dragging left and right. Note: the row header contains the “Key” field for each task. Note: The Table Row Header is the most left column in the table, each cell contains the numeric key of the task in the row.

  13. Double click one of the Key values for a task and the edit dialog will appear. Dismiss the dialog by canceling.

  14. Select several rows in the table by click/hold on the “Key” field, drag down and release after about four rows. Now click/hold on on of the selected tasks, on the “Key” cell and drag(do this quickly). A ghosted image of the top task will follow along with your mouse cursor and the task will be inserted just above the task that you release the mouse on. (Note: Some moving of tasks will result in a constraint violation and will give an error message). If you wish to copy tasks, hold the “cntrl” key down before starting the drag.

  15. To assign resources to tasks, open the “Resource Assignment” dialog by clicking on the “Assign Resources” button on the toolbar. A dialog will pop up showing all resources. Select a row in the dialog by clicking on the “Key” cell. Now click/hold drag from the “key” cell and drop it on one of the rows in the Gantt Table. The resource will be assigned to that task. To delete all resources for the task, select the “Resources” cell in the Gantt table and right click for the context menu and select “cut”. There are many ways to add delete and edit resources but they are not all covered here.

  16. To enter new tasks, select one or more rows in the table. Now right click on the selected rows to bring up the context menu and select “New Task(s)”. New tasks will be inserted. Now click on the “Task Name” cell of the task and type in the task name/description and hit return and type in the name of the next task.

  17. To renumber the “Key” values of the tasks after they have been moved about, right click the header of the “Key” column and select “Renumber All Nodes”.

Now, lets switch to the Calendar/Resources view.

  1. Switch to the Calendar/Resources view by selecting from the menu bar (View -> Calendar/Resources).

  2. In this view you should see a table with all of

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